I just want to be left alone but it just isn't happening. Elders visit every 2 weeks, sometimes twice in a week.
Tell the elders what you want. Nothing more, nothing less.
Dear John and Bob, I want you to stop calling me. Don't visit my house either. Bye.
Then hang up or close the door. End of conversation.
That's all. Don't give a reason, not even when they insist. Simply repeat as nauseam the bold part above.
Of course they will try and pressure you.
"Does that mean you don't want to be a JW anymore?"
No Bob, it means I want you to stop calling me and stop visiting me. Bye.
Practice this with someone you trust.
Take charge, don't let fools run or ruin your life and happiness. At least stand up to them to live in peace without being bothered twice a week.
If JW family inquires into any of this, tell them the elders were bothering you too often and you simply told them to stop that.
If anyone wants to make an appointment for you with elders, tell them 'no thanks, I'll call them if I need them. Don't (let them) call me'.
"No" is a complete sentence.
You don't need to DA to get rid of elders, and have your JW to shun you as per JW rules. In most cases it is enough to be clear while communicating with elders.